Conference venue

The conference will be hosted by Université Montpellier Paul-Valéry, on the Saint Charles Campus (different from the main campus). The main access is on 4, Avenue Bouisson Bertrand.

It is easily accessible by public transport:

- tram line 1, Mosson bound: the station is Albert Premier-Saint Charles

- tram line 4, Garcia Lorca: the station is Albert Premier-Cathédrale

The Albert Premier-Saint Charles station is the most convenient one as it stands just across the main entrance to the St Charles Campus. Once you have gone through the gate, go straight ahead, please do not enter into the building through the first entrace on your left (this is the Saint Chales 1 building) and go straight ahead towards the entrance of the Saint Charles 2 building, right at the end of the square. Once you are inside, please remain on the ground floor, go through the door at the right of the stairs into the jardin d'hiver, and make a right towards salle des Kouros 002, where we shall be happy to welcome you.

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